FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 134

Created: 2019年12月13日

Updated: 2024年2月26日

ID: 91273

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10/mo

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FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 1FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 2FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 3FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 4FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 5FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 6FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 7FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare Website Design Theme WordPress Theme - Features Image 8

Discover the Talent in Your Child with the Daycare Website Design Theme

Build a perfect website for the promotion of your services and make the 童年 of many kids the most memorable time in their lives. The daycare website design theme has a modern design and is full of functional features, 哪些旨在以最优秀的方式代表您的沙龙. Take a chance and use the 模板 to assure people that your daycare center is solid and reliable. Moreover, the daycare website design theme is powered by WordPress and has a variety of functions.

主题将是一个很好的解决方案, 谁有儿童教育平台或日托中心. It is full of the demo content, which you are able to use for any purpose. A bunch of icons and images of the daycare website design theme can be used to introduce your services or for branding. 另外, 您还可以获得先前创建的页面的入门包, 所有seo优化和灵活. 其中包括:

  • 主页, which is aimed to give a piece of introductory information about your center and your services.
  • About page, where you can showcase your company’s story and introduce your team members.
  • 程序页,它告诉您的组.
  • Curriculum page - here you can showcase the timetable and your lessons.
  • Parents页,其中包含家长的信息.
  • faq页面旨在展示最常见的问题和答案.
  • 联系人页面,人们可以在这里找到你的联系人和链接.
  • 为什么选择我们的登陆页面

浅谈日托网站设计主题的优势, 它拥有客户对其产生好感所需的所有模块. 漂亮明亮的横幅和醒目的号召行动按钮. 推荐小部件将展示满意的客户的评论. 多用途的页眉和页脚将发挥引人入胜的作用. The team member section will show the teachers and mentors of your center.

此外, the daycare website design theme gives you an opportunity to showcase the list of your services in a modern layout. The FAQs are organized comfortably with the help of the smart accordion section. 另外, the 谷歌地图 widget will help people to find where your centers are located. 联络表格组负责与家长沟通.


Whether you want to add a new feature or have a problem with the existing while working with the daycare website design theme, 不要害怕寻求帮助! 我们的支持团队在解决任何问题方面经验丰富. 我们每天24/5都在等你.



  • WordPress 6.4兼容;
  • 元素页面生成器.19兼容;
  • 修复了一些小bug.


  • WordPress 6.3兼容;
  • 元素页面生成器.15兼容;
  • 修复了一些小bug.


  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.11兼容;
  • WordPress 6.1兼容.


  • 樱桃插件删除;
  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.0兼容;
  • WordPress 5.6兼容.


看起来很棒,客户很高兴. 喜欢它使用元素的事实,因为它很容易编辑. 它包括所有的图像,不像其他一些主题.
这是一个很棒的主题. 感谢开发团队. 我也会看看他们的其他主题.
Bardzo dobry szablon, łatwy w użyciu i konfigacji. wzystko zgodnie z opisem. Szablon nie ładuje serwera. Strona działa bardzo sprawnie. Wersja responsywna również wygląda bardzo dobrze. Z pomocą Page Bulider możesz łatwo stworzyć dowolną stronę internetową. 拖放. Fajne. Kup na templatemonster bez żadnych problemów, szybka płatność i możesz pracować na stronie. Wsparcie również działa świetnie. Taka współpraca到przyjemność.
Очень реккомендую шаблон FunCare - Bright And Enjoyable Daycare, очень понравился. Большое количество плагинов, много настроек. Всёчащеделаюсвоипроектынаэлементоро——ченьудобно. Покупался под клиентский сайт. Понравился * зацепил * первую очередь, общий дизайн сайта * элементов, неплохиепереходы, функциональных элементов не очень много, но больше * не нужно. Большинствоизнихненастроены,астоятпростокаккнопки. Но настроить не сложно. По——началунемноготяжелоперекопатьвсестраницыиредактироватьих. Но это не проблема, элементор выручает. Самшаблоншикарный,кпокупкеоднозначносоветую)


是的,绝对! 我们的主题完全兼容元素的免费版本. You can use our template without needing to upgrade to the pro version of Elementor. Our themes are designed to work seamlessly with the features available in the free version, ensuring that you can create stunning websites without any additional costs. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. 我们是来帮忙的!
嗨,Vojtech! Yes, the blog page is included, but you will need to add your custom posts. 随时og体育在您的模板怪物帐户门票. 我们很乐意为您提供帮助:)
Hello, 购买后, is it possible to import the entire sample website of you Theme as seen in your Demo (= incl. 图片、文字、链接等.),然后一步一步修改到我自己的网站上? 谢谢,Vojtech
Hi! After installation, your website will look exactly like our live demo. 您可以使用包含的文本和图像为您的网站. The template package includes step-by-step instructions on installation. 如果你需要我们的帮助,你也可以随时og体育:)
Hi 我已经下载了主题的更新, however on my customers request I had changed the theme name to reflect the name of the business and added a child theme for functions etc. Can you please advise which files are updated in the latest version to allow me to manually copy the latest files via FTP. Thanks Geoff
嗨,杰夫! Kindly create a ticket in your account or contact us via e-mail at ****@*.* We will be glad to check it for you and provide you with instructions.
这只适用于Wordpress? 我只是想静态的HTML, JavaScript和CSS文件. 下载里面有什么?
你好,哈利! 模板是为Wordpress引擎创建的. 我们不能保证它在其他平台上也能很好地工作.




4.4 /5
支持度评分(574年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 446 4 38 3 14 2 6 1 70
响应时间: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
